
Miki Purnell






Featured Reviews: 批評

"Miki Purnell is the real thing. A jazz bird who has a clear voice, great musicality and she can really swing!"
-​Mark Winkler(platinum award winning singer/lyricist)

"Miki Purnell is blessed with a naturally beautiful voice.
It's her work ethic, dedication to her craft, and her musicianship that makes her so special".

-Lori Bell(Grammy nominated Flute Player)​

「"Swingin' To The Sea" はみきぱねーるの第二のキャリアのすばらしい幕開けだ。最高レベルのジャズシンガーを聴いてきたリスナーたちにこそ、広く聴かれるべき作品である。」​
"Swingin' To The Sea is an impressive beginning to Miki Purnell's second career and will be enjoyed by any listener who enjoys hearing a top-notch jazz singer."​​
- Scott Yanow, author of ten books including The Jazz Singers, Swing, Jazz On Film and Jazz On Record 1917-76​​

"Miki Purnell sings with crystal clear joy, and her voice brings out with warmth and excitement the beauty of these songs..."
-Tamir Hendelman(Award-winning Jazz pianist/arranger)

​"Purnell hits it out of the park with her first trip to the plate. Attempting tunes that have a lot of baggage, she brings in a freshness that makes them work all over again. A jazz vocalist with affection or attitude, she's swingingly here in service to the song and really shows she knows how to put it across. A ripe, new pick for any traditional vocal fan."
-Chris Spector, Editor and Publisher​

"...thoroughly musical, sophisticated, refreshing, heartfelt, swinging, touching, and engaging."
-Denny Zeitlin(Critically acclaimed pianist, composer, and psychiatrist)

「'Swingin' to the Sea'は素晴らしいできだ。サンディエゴのドクターみきぱねーるは驚くほどの才能で正当派のジャズの世界へ足を踏み入れている。このCDには一度聴いただけでは味わいきれないものがつまっている。」
"Swingin' to the Sea is surprising and boasts not only San Diego physician Miki Purnell's rather auspicious entry into the jazz world proper, possessing far too much talent...This is a CD you're going to have to spin more than once because it can't all be taken in in a single listen."
-Mark S. Tucker(folk and acoustic music exchange)

"I started working in Miki three years ago as her vocal coach. She is an amazingly fast learner with an open spirit and a fire for learning at is nothing less than infectious! With her first CD she shows us the promise of being able to become one of the important Modern day Jazz singer of our time. You go girl!!!"
-Kevyn Lettau(Internationally recognized singer/vocal coach)
